Vision, Mission & Values

We believe in commitment. Quality and better deliverance


We purchase our products directly from the manufacturers and they are sold either to pharmacies or hospitals who are holding a valid drug license.

We ensure transparency and efficiency in our sales. Do not involve ourselves into sub-distribution activity.

The regular stock checks ensure that our supply operates at maximized efficiency.


It is our goal and duty to provide high quality products at the right price and right place to build trust, reduce reputational risk, improve operational efficiency. To provide outstanding service in distribution where stock shortage are never a problem especially in a tie of need.


Customer satisfaction is one of our core values. We believe if you don’t appreciate your customers, someone else will for us customer service means to serve customers more than just solving problems or addressing complaints.

Pharma Plus International is a running business as a family, which is maintaining high standards and thereby preserving “Happy Customers”.
